  • 群名称:2020文都考研交流2群
    群   号:174073601




来源:武汉文都 更新时间:2019-08-06 16:28:02

Effective teamwork is incredibly important for output quality and efficiency. If everyone in a team can manage to collaborate with each other and employ concerted effrots, those tasks that seem unachievable for any individual may be accomplished with much better quality. Take iPhone as an example. Its success is a story of hundreds of thousands of engineers, designers and workers all over the world working seamlessly together. If they all work alone and do not cooperate, it will be hard for them to get early feedback on the design and function, making it impossible for them to achieve the high level of craftsmanship that these slick gadgets now boast of. After all, teamwork not only increases efficiency but also creates an environment of learning by challenging your ideas.


Effective teamwork is incredibly important for output quality and efficiency.


If everyone in a team can focus their own strength and yet manage to collaborate with each other and employ concerted efforts, those tasks that seem unachievable for any individual may be achieved with better quality.


Take iPhone as an example, its success is a story of hundreds of thousands of engineers, designers and workers all the world working seamlessly together.


If they all work alone and do not cooperate, it will be hard for them to get early feedback on the design and function, making it impossible for them to achieve the high level of craftsmanship that these slick gadgets now boast of.


After all, teamwork not only increases efficiency but also creates an environment of learning by challenging your ideas.



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